After an evening of low-impact trick-or-treating, it came time for the pumpkin carve. Ethan chose to carve a bunny. First, he dug in to remove seeds and pulp. Then, he took the carving knife and helped bring forth an image of the very creature he has grown so fond of.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Another Ethan first: He helped carve a pumpkin.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Another Ethan first: He played the string bass.
I took Ethan up to the last full rehearsal before Beth’s orchestra concert. The violins, French horns (“She puts her hand in there!”), trombones, xylophone, and timpani especially captured his imagination. He watched attentively for more than half of the three-hour rehearsal. Ethan may well have been content in his initial seat, but I wasn’t so patient, wanting to show him different instruments and perspectives. We walked around the orchestra, tried out the balcony and its wings, but mostly watched from up close on the main floor.
There was one other instrument that captured Ethan’s interest, his favorite of all: the string bass. At break, we asked a bass player we knew well if Ethan could play his instrument. Mr. Brian showed Ethan the basics, and emphasized that it was important to pull the string tight before letting go to get a good sound. Ethan has a strong grip and had no difficulty filling the hall with his music.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Another Ethan first: He thanked God for the heavens.
When Beth woke Ethan up from his afternoon nap, she and Ethan played picnic together in his bed. Before partaking of their imaginary feast, Ethan decided it would be good to pray. He said, “Thank you God for sun, moon, stars, and Big Dipper."